I've been a negative person. I will cut things down, point out the flaws and totally critque it like a judge on America Idol.
Funny thing about the negative, if you go looking for it you will always find it. There are many negative things in this world, and that sucks.
You have to train yourself to be positive and that is what I have been doing here lately, trying to look at things on the brighter side.
If you know me at all you will know that I work at a church, I am a children's minister, something you have to know about working at church, it is not just a float on clouds type of job. Ministry is messy, people are cranky and tempers flare at what seems like just the wrong moment.
The ministry life is also very busy, there is this event and that event, and then you have to prepare a lesson for this and a lesson for that, you need to meet these people at this time, Oh and can you help me move a piano before you get to all of that?
But I digress on that thought, I enjoy my job, I get to share God with people and it be my vocation, and for that I am very thankful.
I feel God made me for my ministry job, in childrens ministry i get to use all of my gifts and talents and for that I am very thankful.
What about you? whats your job like? what about your current home situation? do you think it sucks?
are you super negative about it? do you complain?
Well maybe take a different approach and be positive about it, find something that you enjoy about it.
I enjoy that I get to play my guitar for God with my job.
There is always a silver lining, you just have to look for it.
Whats yours?
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