Yesterday we decided to head to the convince store and get a pop. And as I drove around my old stomping grounds, my mind was flooded with memories. Memories of friday night football, marching in the band at halftime in my football pants and cleats, the place where I would always get my hair cut, the grade school basketball court where many a deep conversation had be had (which now is gone and a building stands in it's place)
My hometown is still very much the same, but there have been lots of changes. Now changes are not bad at all. In fact I have come to embrace a change. Life is a journey and you really never know where you are going to end up. But I do know this, where ever you end up, enjoy it.
Embrace your surroundings and make the most of it.
Nostalgia is nice sometimes, but don't get stuck in the past. Press on to the future and make the most of it.
I like to look back a lot, but that's probably because I don't really get to see you much anymore! I kinda miss being in marching band with you and hanging out with everyone at those basketball courts! You grow up, and live in different parts of the state...and it really makes you miss your brother and the past sometimes! I'm glad you guys got to come down, and I can't wait until we get to hang out again!