Monday, August 20, 2012


Routines are a funny thing. We seem to get into a lot of them. How we brush our teeth, how we get dressed, even how we eat dinner. Life is a system of patterns that just repeat themselves. Are routines bad? I don't think they are fully bad. But I think we can get stuck in this sometimes.

There are times when you just need to break free.

There are times I will get in my car to go to the grocery store and I will end up in the church parking lot in my usual spot that I park in, why? We are creatures of habit. And this woke me up a little bit, I thought if I go on auto-pilot while I drive, how else do I go on auto-pilot?

I think this is when we start taking things for granted. This is why we never tell our loved ones that we love him, because we just go through out life on auto piolt. This isn't tuesday, this is routine day. I do the same thing ever tuesday.

So why do I type all of this? I just want you to break free, do something different! Take a different route to work! Have breakfest for dinner. Tell your loved ones you love them, wake up and see the world around you.

Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.