Think about it, when you get ready in the morning do you do everything basically the same way? When you go to church do you sit in the exact same seat? (I am guilty of this)
One Sunday someone was sitting in our seats at church (our seats? Like we pay for them or something? lol) and it forced Madeline and I to sit somewhere else. And it was harder than it needed to be, because Madeline did not want to sit in someone elses seat (did they pay for that seat? NO!)
Now I am the kind of guy who likes to mix things up and to me I thought it would be awesome to set a chain reaction! Someone sits in our seat, we sit in someone elses, someone else has to sit in someone elses...etc, so on and so forth, you get the point! (I did this all the time in college! It was awesome to sit in someones seat and then they would walk in and just stare at you in their seat and freeze because they didn't know what to do next! It was great!)
Anyways! We are creatures of habit. And if we are not careful that routine can kill our souls! (Not literally, only figuratively)
So what do we do? How do we break free? Randomness!
Sometimes you just gotta do something random! Like:
-Take a different way to work
-Eat Desert first
-Turn the tv off and dance to a Hall and Oates record (Guilty......don't judge!)
-Go on a random adventure out in the world it can be anywhere! (Once a group of friends and I went to Life churchs Parking lot in Edmond and took turns running from point A to point B like crazy people, it was free and fun! Be creative!)
So Adam are you saying that to break free from my routine I have to follow everything you are saying? NO!! Blaze your own trail! Do what you wanna do!
I just think if we don't try to break free we will be a sad robot like race, going through the motions of life without any feeling or passion.
Wake yourself up and live people!