Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's been a crazy year!

So around this time last year I start my journey as a full time children's minister at FBE Lawton.

I gotta say, it has been a crazy year! But, crazy good!

I have made tons of mistakes because I've never done anything like this before. I am constantly learning. I am still in the process of forming my opinions on what is important in children's ministry. It is an ongoing process. A process that will not end until I die! I learn something new everyday. And ya know that makes life exciting.
I have grown to love everyone here at FBE Lawton. I am way beyond blessed to be here and to be a part of what goes on.

Something I hear over and over is: "Your young!" "Your just a baby!"
Well yeah! I am young! Sorry I didn't play hide the dinosaur egg when I was a kid!
I am young! I will take full ownership of that. But I have a passion inside. I am called by God to lead kids to the Lord. God has gifted me and he is with me and is helping me everyday. I can not do this on my own. It is only with God that I am able to do anything.

It's been one awesome year! It's been so crazy. Sometimes I just sit in my office and think "Is this real? Am I really a children's minister?"

Like I said, I am beyond blessed. When I first got here to FBE I decided something. If God isn't helping me every second of every day as I am ministering to children and families, then I don't want to do it. I can only do this with Gods help.

I am forever dependent on him. I am nothing without him. I am worthless, but with him, I'm a little less worthless

-The Adam Rainwater

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to be a Dangerous Disciple.

We have been in revival this week with a great speaker. Last night he talked about being a dangerous disciple. He shared 7 characteristics of a Dangerous Disciple based on 2 Timothy chapter 2. I thought I would share this with you. This is something every christian should strive to be.

How to be a dangerous disciple

1. Have a healthy relationship with God. (What crooked bones in your body does God need to break and set right?)

2. Be disciplined. (Keep your mind on your mission.)
-Scripture memory
-Priority time (This is what I call my quiet time. Its not a quiet time to me, its a priority.)
-Prayer life

3. Set some Goals in your life. Know the rules. Cast your vision
-Ask the Holy Spirit to give you goals

4. Have the work ethic of a farmer.Work Hard.Also don't pick and choose verses from the Bible you like and focus only on them. Read and focus on the hard verses too. Faith without works is dead.

5. Be an Artisan, a craftsman. Make the word of God live and breathe.
-Memorize scripture.
-Make it part of your D.N.A.
-What you memorize is different from what you read. When the word of God is in you, it will ooze out when you are squeezed by life.

6. Be a holy Vessel. You are no longer pottery, with Christ in your heart you are fine China. The creator of all of the universe in living inside you. God has chosen to love you. Even though you sin, and mess up constantly God doesn't see you as pottery, you are fine China in his eyes. He created you, you are his most prized possession. Set your standards high, set your goals high. Have godly character.

7. Be a servant, teach it to other people. Look for ways to serve other people around. and serve expecting to get nothing in return. Serve just to spread the love. Be a vessel of honor, and of character. Character is what is you do when no one is watching. Are you truthful when alone? Are you doing things that would be pleasing to the Lord when no one is watching?

-The Adam Rainwater
Minister to Children and Families
FBE Lawton

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The "I'm talking to a kid voice"

There is a certain tone in an adults voice when they speak with kids. I think we all know what I'm talking about. Its the same tone you use when talking to your dog.

I've talked to kids and I have asked them about this very thing. I usually get the same response from them.
"They are talking to me like I'm a baby..."
You probably don't even know your doing it, but when you talk to a kid in that "I'm talking to a kid/ I'm talking to my dog" tone. It really belittles children. You are talking down to them. You are saying you are just a little baby and I'm going to treat you like one.
Kids just want you to talk to them like anyone else. Does that mean you should talk about adult topics? NO! You are not getting what I am trying to say here. They want you to talk to them about what they are interested in, just don't use the "I'm talking to a kid" tone.
Since I don't talk to kids like this, they actually talk to me! I talk to them like I am their friend, not like they are a little baby sucking on a binky, ya feel me? Smell what I'm steppin in?

So the next time you volunteer in kids church, or teach elementary Sunday school, remember this blog post, and stop talking to kids like they are little babies. I promise they will open up to you more.

Don't belittle children, build them up.

-The Adam Rainwater
Minister to Children and Families